
Content Marketing – 9 Content Marketing Trends in 2018


Content marketing is essential to building your brand online. Want to learn more about it? Keep on reading! Content marketing is no new thing, it’s been an essential part of digital marketing for the past...

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The Internet’s Birthday – The Good, The Bad and The Ugly


With the internet at the ripe age of 29, we look back over its history to date. Celebrating everything good, and bad, about it. Earlier this week, the internet hit a milestone. Yes, on the...

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Live Streaming in 2018 – We’re live in 3, 2, 1


Live streaming is a proven way to engage your audience further and grow a community online. So, here’s all you need to know about Live Streaming in 2018. Now, you may or may not have...

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Web Development Trends for 2018


Want to be in the know for all the Web Development trends coming in 2018? Then read on!   As you know, and as we’ve said many times before, we are a full-service digital agency....

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Our 2017 Fundraising Efforts – And what charity we’re supporting in 2018


In 2017, we supported the Alzheimer’s Society charity, with lots of fun fundraising. See what we’ve done below!   2017 was an excellent year for us at Revive. We’ve got some fresh new faces on...

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Social Media Trends 2018


Social Media is going through some big changes. If you want to be ahead of the curve, you need to read our blog on up and coming trends in 2018! We took part in a...

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Digital Marketing Trends to Keep You on Track


The new year is well underway, and while many of us are still longing for the warmth of those cosy Christmas week lie-ins and the mindset of ‘I’ll deal with that in January’ now back...

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The Tools Every Content Marketer Needs to Succeed in 2018


The tools every content marketer should be using to move content up in rankings and perform excellently, online. Creating relevant content for your business is essential. Content is not just a campaign, it’s a commitment....

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2017: Revive’s year in Review


  2017. It’s been quite the journey. While it’s not quite over, we can already smell the leftover turkey from Christmas day and the bright, if experimental cocktails that you probably shouldn’t have tried at...

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5 Digital marketing stats for 2017


  2017. It’s been an… interesting year. The end of the year may be a time for drinking and stuffing ourselves silly, but it’s also a time for rest and reflection, especially in business. As...

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Formula One Logo Letdown


If you’re a racing fan, then you might have heard about the disagreements sweeping through Formula 1 news. Yes… they’ve decided to change their logo, and many aren’t too happy about the new design. Liberty...

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Technology of the Future


Technology can be a wonderfully weird phenomenon. If you could tell someone twenty years ago that in the not too distant future, they’ll have the power to find out any piece of information their heart...

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Christmas Advertising: Should you be Making Your Viewers Cry?


Many of you might say that’s it’s still too early to talk about Christmas, but I'm afraid that you just can't avoid it right now. Tinsel has been hung in every shop, the festive music...

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Revive’s Rebrand Adventure


As you might have noticed, things are looking a little bit different around here. Well after months of painstaking planning, hundreds of hours of work as well as the blood sweat and tears of our...

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Where is Social Media Heading? (Updated for 2019)


No one can see the future, though it would be nice if we could look in a crystal ball and see what marketing trends are going to be popping up next year. By looking at...

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Graphic Design Dispute


Among the many MANY things we talk about on this blog, one thing that should never be under-emphasised is the importance of your visual aesthetic. When people think of your brand, the first thing that’ll...

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Voice Control: The Future is Now?


We’ve all seen the adverts… people using nothing but their voice to order food, control their home and search the web thanks to a popular spike in voice control technology over the years. While only...

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Searching For More Views? This Month’s SEO Scoop


You know what we never talk about on this blog? SEO. Yes, we might sound like a broken record here, but talking about the importance of search rankings is always something that bears repeating, especially...

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Digital Work for the Season of Fright


A very happy October to everyone from all of us at Revive. With the bright orange glow of Halloween on the horizon, Christmas gift sets slowly creeping into the shops and the pumpkins decorating everything...

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Marketing, Marketing and Remarketing


No matter where you run… you’ll never escape it. Duck into Facebook, YouTube, that one place you go to look at shelter dogs, it’s always there… waiting. Remarketing. Almost everywhere you go online, you’ll be...

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“Let Me Give You My Card”… Your Brand Collateral


What’s the best way to get your brand out there and noticed by the public? Making sure you’re top of search engine results? Social media campaigning? A functional website? The answer is yes to all...

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Creating Your Professional Brand Image


Image is everything. While it’s a phrase that might sound superficial, when it comes to business, its 100% the case. While ultimately the quality of your service/product will keep people coming back, it’s your brand's...

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Back to School/ Back to Work Digital Housekeeping


You may have noticed an influx of uniformed children on your commute recently… along with a few more raincoats. Yes, sadly summer has come to a close and everyone is kissing goodbye to their holidays...

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What Can Your Brand Learn From Bake Off??


On your marks. Get set. Bake! Yes it’s here, the eighth season of the Great British Bake Off has returned to television to the delight as well as dismay of many. To many outside the...

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