
Content Marketing – why you need it


For years, content marketing has battled for its place in the world of digital marketing. If you’re not convinced of its worth, READ OUR POST. Ah, content marketing. No one, except for those working in...

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Digital Marketing Agency Roles


Ever wondered how your digital marketing agency operates? Who does what? And who are the people that make your marketing strategy run smoothly, effectively and fruitfully? Find out all about digital marketing agency roles, right...

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Is Google following you?


Google has been tracking user’s location even when they’ve had it turned off… Find out the full story, below. Where have you been:   Oh dear… first we had the Facebook data scandal and now this....

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Apps – Why you need one


Apps have been around for a good few years now, but they’re still widely popular and key for your business. Find out all about them in our post. The infamous App. The three-letter word that...

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Your Digital Marketing Agency – What to Expect


Looking for a digital marketing agency to assist you in your marketing efforts? Aren’t sure what you should be looking for? Look no further. We’ve got everything you should expect from your digital marketing agency....

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Green Marketing and Branding – The Ultimate Guide


Environmental responsibility is becoming increasingly important to both brands and their consumers. So, what is green marketing? Find out, right here. Blue Planet II. A series that sparked a world-wide mission to rid the oceans...

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It’s coming home memes – The Social Media Phenomenon


With France winning the World Cup Final – Football did not come home… See the rise of the ' it's coming home' meme and how creating engaging and topical content can do wonders for your...

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Smartphone Design – Making your phone ‘better’ for you


Your Smartphone - With more and more people becoming addicted to their smartphones, we’re looking at how design and development can help make scrolling through your phone a little less compulsive. Okay, hands up. How...

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Facebook & Brand Recovery


After the Cambridge Analytica events earlier this year, Facebook have come out with their largest advertising campaign to date. But, why? Find out in this post. Facebook. They really put their foot in it earlier...

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IGTV – The Ultimate Guide to Instagram’s Newest Video Feature


Instagram’s new video platform, IGTV, has just been released. If you’re looking to learn all about it, you’re in the right place. With great anticipation and excitement, we’re pleased to announce that Instagram’s new video...

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Google’s New Marketing Platforms


Google has had a facelift - if you're not sure what that means for you or your search engine marketing, you're in the right place to find out. Google - friend to both users and...

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Videos – how long should they be?


Thinking about creating video content for your website and social media? Do you know how long the videos you’re creating should be? Find out right here! We keep banging on about social media and video...

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How to Boost Email Marketing Conversions & Engagement


Looking to make sure your email marketing efforts aren't wasted? Want to create emails that are opened, read and have the all links clicked on? Look no further! We’ve got all you need to know,...

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Instagram Growth Hacks


Looking to grow your following and boost engagement on Instagram? Then you need our top 5 Instagram growth hacks for your business! Yes, we’re back with another post about Instagram! You may wonder why we...

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Revive.Digital – all about our Brand


If you’re looking to learn a little more about Revive.Digital, you’re in the right place. You can watch our brand culture video here too! Lucky you. We are Revive.Digital Welcome to Revive.Digital. If you haven’t...

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Website Design Stats for 2018


Looking for website design stats of 2018? We've got all you need to know right here. Your business has a website. Great! But it hasn’t been updated since 2009. Less great. While having a website...

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Blogs – How Long Should They Be?


You should always be creating blogs for your website, but how much should you actually be writing? Find out below. Blogging. It can be one of the most time-consuming things if you’re not as dedicated...

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Business Branding – How to Guide


Have you had trouble branding your business? Or maybe you're not sure you know the difference between your business and your brand?  Luckily for you, we’ve got everything you need to know in our blog...

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Social Media ‘Voice’ – creating the right impression for your brand


Many consumers first contact with a business is through social media, but does your image and voice on social media match your brand? Find out more below! We’ve said it once, but we’ll say it...

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GDPR – All You Need To Know


This blog will cover everything you need to know about GDPR. If you need to get your website GDPR ready, then read our post! Ah yes, the omen that’s been lingering over everyone’s heads for...

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Nike – The Global Brand’s Journey


Nike is by far one of the most successful brands on Earth. If you’re looking to grow your brand, then you should follow in the footsteps of the greats. Nike. One of the most successful...

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Influencer Marketing – The latest trends and information


Influencer marketing has been around for a few years now, but how much do you know about it? We’ve got all the info you need below. In 2017, there was a boom on the internet....

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Instagram – The Complete Guide for Businesses


In the dark about Instagram? This social network is one of the fastest growing social media platforms on the web. Find out all you need to know about using Instagram for your business in this post....

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Content Marketing – 9 Content Marketing Trends in 2018


Content marketing is essential to building your brand online. Want to learn more about it? Keep on reading! Content marketing is no new thing, it’s been an essential part of digital marketing for the past...

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