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Social Media Marketing

Managing and Paid Social Media Services

Everything Social

With almost a third of the world’s population on Facebook, and other social media platforms growing daily, social media management isn’t a luxury for businesses anymore – it’s a necessity.

Social is becoming a hub for advertising and engagement, to monitor and grow your following, and broadcast your message. You can find new potential customers through channels like Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and Twitter, and target specific audiences (age, gender, interests) to reach that perfect prospect.

If your website is your shopfront, your social media should be the person standing outside the shop, waving customers inside – it’s where consumers will find you, connect with you and get to know your brand. When we manage your social media, we make sure your accounts are set to grow, and help your business grow too.

Fabulous clients we work with

Why social media

We understand that some businesses haven’t got the resources to spare to do social media in house. Or if they do, they don’t necessarily have the expertise to target audiences, grow followings or run advertising and re-targeting.

We are able to work with businesses – either co-ordinating with their existing social media staff, or managing the whole account – but with an aim to help the business grow in reputation, reach more customers, and generate opportunities to do business.

If you don’t know if you should be using social media – we’d be happy to advise as well.

Get in Touch

So, if you’re looking for someone to take the reins on your social, look no further. Get in contact with us about social media account and campaign management, today. You won’t regret it…

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