
92 Days of Working from Home, Here’s What We Got Up To


For employees, COVID-19 meant remote working was a new reality and one that took some time getting used to. And many believed that not being in the office together would mean less brainstorming, bouncing ideas...

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Creating Brand Affinity When There’s a Content Overload


Creating a deeper connection to your customers through brand affinity is vital. But think about this… There are 30 blog posts published every second.  That means your blog, even if it’s the best piece of...

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For Every Brand an Influencer, For Every Influencer a Brand


If you've never heard of influencer marketing, you may consider it as just another branch of digital marketing - maybe even just a short-term trend for the younger generation. However, influencer marketing is so much...

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Does Your Search Marketing Include These?


Search Marketing or Search Engine Marketing? We're raising this question early on because online there are discrepancies over what Search Engine Marketing is. Actually they disagree on what it should be called. It's either Search...

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The Influence of Brand Perception on Your Consumers


There's usually a disconnect between the way a business sees its brand and the way people, including the people who work there, view it. Not always, but more often than not. If you don't already...

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Why a Custom-Built Website is An Investment Worth Making


Budgeting is a large part of increasing your business' profit margins. So, it's completely natural to identify areas to lower costs when it comes to your digital marketing efforts. But, if you're looking to cut...

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Understanding Content Marketing Basics


Marketing genius Seth Godin once said that content marketing is all that's left. It's a term that became more widespread around two decades ago and so instead of just marketing your products, you deliver information...

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Social Listening: Why You Should Use It To Your Advantage


The number of conversations being had on social media at any given time is huge. They billow and wave with trending news and can cover all topics from parents sharing old photos on Facebook to...

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Understanding the Basics of PPC and Paid Search


For some it's still considered one of digital marketing's more mystical elements. But Paid Search is really just the paid-for advertising found on search engines, and it's part of the format known as Pay-Per-Click, or...

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TikTok: Getting to Know Social Media’s Most Powerful App


Wondering why there's been a big increase in the younger generation performing weird dances moves in public? And, with someone usually filming them from all different angles? That's TikTok. Mostly populated by Millennials and Generation-Z,...

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From SERPs to PageRank. A Guide to Search Engine Optimisation


Search Engine Optimisation, or SEO, is the business of making your website as visible as possible in a search engine's organic results. Organic results are those that show naturally when you search, and they are...

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A Guide to Hosting Your First Virtual Event


Many different circumstances are forcing organisations to adopt "work from home" policies. As a result, business owners are being tasked with managing their dispersed workforces, completely changing the way they communicate on a daily basis....

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Getting to Know Our New Head of Digital Marketing


Starting a new job can be a daunting process. You have new things to learn, different processes to get used to and a lot of questions to ask, not to mention learning everyone's names (which,...

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What is SEO and How It Can Help Grow Your Business


If you're a business owner, then it's more than likely you've been told more than once how much SEO can contribute to your success. That's because, in today's world, it's a crucial part of any...

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The Benefits of Email Marketing


Email. It's One of Marketing's Most Powerful Tools What will bring you a 4,124% return on your investment? Facebook ads? Instagram influencers? Google Adwords? No... And that's not to say that those are bad forms...

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A Practical Guide to Franchise Marketing


If you are a franchise owner, then the chances are you've run into trouble with your digital marketing plans in the past. And, it's not an uncommon challenge either. In fact, franchise marketing is one of the toughest nuts...

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The Best Project Management Tools for Working From Home


Remote working comes with its own challenges around technology and communication. But, with a flexible approach, there's no reason why your projects shouldn't stay on track. Unfortunately, COVID-19 has been rapidly spreading across the globe...

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Understanding How Facebook Pixel Tracking Works


If you are currently using Facebook Ads or plan on using them in the future, there's one important tool that you should start using straight away. A Facebook Pixel will help you get the very...

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Here’s What We Think of BrewDog’s New Brand Identity


The new brand identity coincides with a huge marketing campaign and set of sustainability initiatives as part of the BrewDog Tomorrow plan. But, has the multinational brewery lost its punk-inspired spirit? The Story So Far...

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How Search Intent Can Shape Your Content Strategy


Having an understanding of search intent has always been an essential aspect when it comes to content marketing. Websites that give searchers what they are looking for have always been popular, but Google now rewards...

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How to Add Your Business to Google Maps


Adding your business to Google Maps might seem like a simple task, but by doing so can increase your online visibility, make it easier for your prospective customers to find you and potentially increase sales....

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What is Email Marketing?


Email marketing is the use of email to promote products and/or services. It's used to establish relationships with potential customers, keep existing customers up to date, promote special offers to encourage loyalty and lots more....

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How to Use Keywords in Your Blogging Strategy


Even though the digital landscape of SEO and content marketing is changing rapidly, keywords still play an important role in optimising your blogs for search engines. Keeping that in mind, there's some steps to follow...

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What Happened with SEO in October?


October's SEO roundup includes news from Google, Bing, Moz and lots more. Let’s take a look. Change of Address Tool Added to Google Search Console Google announced that they've added a change of address tool...

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