
Key Digital Marketing Stats for You!


It’s hard to believe that 2018 is coming up fast. It barely feels like any time has passed since we were shrugging of the remnants of 2016’s hangover, yet here we are, about to enter the...

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The Power of the Blog


Blogs. Last week I briefly touched upon the subject as part of a wider content marketing post, but didn’t have the time (or the acceptable word count) to cover it in too much detail. However,...

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Content Marketing and You


Let’s talk marketing. You might have the most wonderful idea/product/service to offer the public, but trying to get people to notice can sometimes feel like screaming into an empty void. Unfortunately, there is no one...

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How to Turn Heads with your Marketing


Living in an era of bright gimmicks, constant social scrolling and seemingly shorter attention spans, means that marketing to the masses is getting trickier each passing week. Creating a digital marketing message that not only...

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Sell Sell Sell: E-commerce Websites


You have a product or service to push and you also have a website. Great! However, are you mixing these two successfully? Online shopping or E-commerce as it’s known, is a HUGE market these days, with...

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When is it Time for a Rebrand?


We all love classic designs and logos, but even the most popular businesses and sites find themselves updating their look now and then. Like with anything in life, your business will grow and change over...

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Five Social Media Stats You Need to Know


Social Media. It’s existed in one form or another since the invention of the internet, but has only recently become the giant sprawling mass of communication and entertainment that’s used by the vast majority of...

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Five Signs You Need a New Website


Anyone in business should be very aware that having a website is one of the most important factors of your marketing. Living in such a digital age, not having a one will make you almost invisible to...

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Advantages of Video Marketing


It’s truly amazing to see how fast technology has evolved over the span of the new millennium. We’ve jumped from brick Nokias to high powered smartphones in the space of a decade, there are children...

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Is Your Business Ready For Summer?


We at Revive are certainly feeling the heat right now (I’m currently writing this blog with the fan on full blast and nursing a fairly painful sunburn…), but we aren’t letting some sticky weather stop...

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The General Election and Targeted Marketing


Let’s talk Election. With the votes counted, a new government being formed and campaign posters now lining every landfill, we have some time to reflect on why the Conservatives didn’t get the landslide majority predicted...

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The Low Down on Logo Design


Whilst trying to have some “family bonding time” last weekend, my brothers and I rummaged through our parents’ loft and discovered all the old board games normally only reserved for tipsy Christmas evenings. There was...

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Make Mobile Work for You!


Did you know that, on average, we spend the equivalent of 23 days per year using our smartphones? No wonder people are constantly telling you to put it away at the dinner table! Such small...

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Search Engine Ranking- A Beginners Guide


Did you know that the modern day search engine has been around in one form or another for almost thirty years now?  Gone are the days of angrily leafing through the Yellow Pages when looking...

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You’ve Got Mail! Running a Successful Email Campaign


It’s hard to believe emails have been zipping from computer to computer for nearly forty years now! While we’re well past the days of humming to the dial up tone and waiting for AOL to...

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Infographics: What You Need to Know


With any form of marketing an effective use of visuals is key. Say you want to get a fairly sizeable piece of information to your consumers but would rather not post or send a novel...

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What is your Social Media Missing?


Checking social media has become a daily necessity for many of us, as how else would you find out about your boss’s holiday or which celebrity has just died? You are probably already aware of...

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Business Lessons from the London Marathon


On April 23rd this year, 40,000 competitors descended onto the streets of the capital to compete in the world-renowned London Marathon; taking on a 26.2-mile route. And while I could spend all day musing over...

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General Election 2017: What Marketers Should Consider


Just as we were getting bored of talking about Brexit, Theresa May announced a snap general election to polarise the British public even further. How many public votes do we need to realise we can’t...

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United Airlines PR Faux Pas


In case you’ve been living under a rock these past couple of days and have somehow missed the United Airlines PR debacle, I’ll quickly run you through the details. At the start of the week...

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The Best Big Brand April Fools’ Day Pranks


Thanks to more big brands having in-house creative teams and close working relationships with agencies, coupled with the ease of distribution with social, each year we’re seeing April Fools pranks becoming more and more popular...

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Why Viewability of your Advert Matters


With adblocking dominating the digital sphere for much of the last 2 years, it’s becoming increasingly difficult to find available advertising space online that allows for proper viewability of adverts. It shouldn’t take a scene...

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Is Your Website Still Working for You?


So, you have a website, that’s great! But it was made in 2005, that’s… less great. Having a website in 2017 is certainly an essential for every business, regardless of size; but just having a...

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Business Cards: The Top Trump of Your Marketing Deck


I know what you’re thinking, business cards? A top trump, huh? No, really. As process after process has been digitalised I can understand why many people have put business cards on the back-burner, and resigned...

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