Email Marketing articles

What is Effective Email Content?

It’s time to come up with some effective email content for the monthly newsletter. And there the problems start. Just the word ‘newsletter’ drives some companies to get all ‘Dear Valued Customer…’, create a 10,000-word...

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Top 100 Email Marketing Tools to Use in 2021

You’ll find the best email marketing tools available – all 100 of them! We’ve gone into detail about our favourite 14 and why you should be using them too. Not got time to watch our...

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The Benefits of Email Marketing

Email. It's One of Marketing's Most Powerful Tools What will bring you a 4,124% return on your investment? Facebook ads? Instagram influencers? Google Adwords? No... And that's not to say that those are bad forms...

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What is Email Marketing?

Email marketing is the use of email to promote products and/or services. It's used to establish relationships with potential customers, keep existing customers up to date, promote special offers to encourage loyalty and lots more....

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How to Boost Email Marketing Conversions & Engagement

Looking to make sure your email marketing efforts aren't wasted? Want to create emails that are opened, read and have the all links clicked on? Look no further! We’ve got all you need to know,...

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