

Outback barbecues came to us to renovate the ecommerce experience for their customers. So, we redesigned their site, swapped their existing ecommerce platform to one that was more suitable, gave them better functionality and added SEO optimisation with better content to help them improve their search engine ranking.

Visit Website

The Outback name is well known in the grilling world, so when they approached us to revitalise their ecommerce offering, we needed to make sure that any redesign considered the heritage of the brand as well as bringing the updated functionality the Outback site needed.

One of the first things was to identify and integrate a new shopping platform. We moved Outback from Shopify to Woocommerce, a more suitable platform for the requirements of their expanding ecommerce site.

Alongside this we added the extra features that shoppers expect from a modern ecommerce site including wishlist functionality, order points and rewards for the Outback member’s club. We also added a tool that showed account holders what spare parts they could get for the barbecues they’d purchased.

On top of this we created email automations throughout the entire buyer journey and added birthday rewards.

SEO Optimised Content and Ongoing Marketing

As part of Outback’s redesigned site we created new page content, perfectly optimised for SEO and to boost rankings and supported this with a new blog section.

Now users can find all the information they need, including education blogs and instructional videos in one place on the site.

As well as the email automations, we now create a monthly newsletter for Outback’s database and have integrated a regular and high-profile influencer social media campaign into Outback’s social media marketing plan.

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