How to Turn Heads with your Marketing


Living in an era of bright gimmicks, constant social scrolling and seemingly shorter attention spans, means that marketing to the masses is getting trickier each passing week. Creating a digital marketing message that not only gets you noticed but also presents you as an authority in your chosen field is already not an easy task, and competing with the black hole of distraction that is social media is quite a task.

We’re rapidly moving past the days where the only thing to watch between TV shows were the adverts as now, not only has recording and fast-forwarding past them been an available technology for a few years now, we have all the entertainment we could want in the palm of our hands thanks to the boom of smartphones and tablets.

However, there is no need to start panicking! There are ways you can use the changing times to your advantage and get your content seen by as many people as possible without it getting drowned in a raging sea of constant social content.

Say something interesting

With media already over-saturated with bright, loud content, it has become less about being the loudest and most frequently posting marketer, but more about making something that’s worth reading. Creating genuinely engaging content is what can help you stand out from the rest, as a campaign that’s all fluff and no substance is a trap that many a marketer has fallen in to when trying to stand out.

Having a gimmick is all well and good, but that shouldn’t be the focus of your campaign. An interesting look can hook people in, but it’s the content that’ll make them stay and keep them coming back.

Say something unique

Making marketing truly your own is no easy feat, we’ll give you that. Amongst the tens of thousands of other marketing campaigns currently running, finding your own voice can be difficult.  Some larger brands have nailed down their marketing so expertly that certain images can’t be looked at without that company coming to mind i.e. meerkats and Compare the Market.

However, owning a small business doesn’t mean you can’t have a big marketing impact! If you’re willing to step outside your comfort zone or the marketing agency you hire is willing to take a few risks then you can see big returns in the long run. You can’t let the creativity truly flow if you aren’t willing to step outside your comfort zone now and again.

Take advantage of Social Media and Mobile for Marketing

With some of us spending up to nine hours per day on social media and 60% of all social media interactions taking place on a mobile device, making sure your marketing is present and engaging social media and that it’s mobile optimised is crucial in getting more brand recognition. For more information about that, take a look at a previous social media blog HERE.

If you’re looking for help with your digital marketing, then we can help! Check us out HERE, give us a call on 01702 619139 or have a look at our Facebook page for more helpful insights!